How To Be Successful At Markets : Workshop


*Minimum 4 Registrants to run a workshop. 

Attend this 90minute workshop to learn tips and tricks on how to engage and connect with clients online and in markets. 
Learn Melba’s secrets that will change the way you brand yourself and your business while staying true to your own style.

Over the years I’ve mentored many people on how, to improve their brand, and streamline their marketing techniques.

It hasn’t been a easy journey and taken myself over 2 decades of trial and error to learn what I know now.

The skills I acquire resulted in me suddenly increasing my success in auditions, job interviews, relationships and in business.

Marketing skills and branding are applicable in all aspects of your life.

In this workshop I’ll introduce to you key tips and secrets to improving your success in markets (and life). I’ll highlight a few main aspects that will change how you put yourself out there. (As long as you put in the effort to apply these techniques! )

Location: Contact to Book

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Total price:$145.00