Mother Nature's Gift: Soap making and Sustainability

Mother Nature's Gift: Soap making and Sustainability

In the hustle and bustle of life, it can be easy to forget how connected we are to nature. The ancient art of soapmaking gives us a gentle nudge, reminding us of our interdependence with Mother Nature. Let’s dive a little deeper and take a closer look at the interconnectedness of soapmaking, sustainability and our planet.

At its core, the art of soapmaking is the knowledge of using Mother Nature’s gifts or resources to create a product that is beneficial to humans. However, with time we have gotten good at creating mass productions of numerous beneficial things that often end up in the landfill. The practice of natural soap making inspires us to pause and take a breather from the fast and vastly produced products, that more often than not contain harsh chemicals and unwanted additives. On the contrary, crafters of artisan soap carefully select natural ingredients like plant-based oils, 100% essential oils, botanicals, and herbs that harness healing, comforting and cleansing properties for the skin. Using pure ingredients also inspires us to remember and reflect upon our innate connection to nature. Additionally natural soap crafters embrace eco-friendly practices such as using biodegradable or recyclable packaging, sourcing ingredients from local suppliers which in turn further reduces waste and minimizes their ecological footprint.

Similarly to nature, soapmaking embodies the principles of sustainability, cultivating a cyclical process all the way from production to the final lather of the bar. Left over oils, ingredients and cut off soap ends are repurposed and transformed into new batches or are further made into other useful products. Furthermore, artisan quality soap has many versatile uses. From bathing, to washing your face and hair, to washing dishes at a campground, to spot cleaning your clothes or to freshen dresser drawers and closets, unsticking a zipper, and is even used in creating the perfect soap brows!

Soapmaking is not only a fun activity to do but can also be described as a practice of mindfulness and intentionality. Crafters and workshop participants alike share a moment of becoming fully present in the now, capturing the quality of their creation with reverence to nature and the earth. The reward of creating something that helps us feel clean and smell good, made from intentionally sourced natural ingredients with all sorts of beneficial qualities, while also witnessing the reduction of waste produced by such a practice simply feels good.

We discover that the art of soapmaking has more to it than meets the eye. Becoming more than just a product to use, this craft becomes a practice of mindfulness, meditation, sustainability, and gratitude towards Mother Nature.