It’s been a crazy journey these past couple years and with the growth of my soap company I needed some help with unifying my brand.
I reached out to @terradigital_ and we’ve been working closely together these past many months to bring you some exciting changes with Bowness Soapworks.
When I started this soap company I wanted to bring a sense of community and adventure together in a way that had never been done before.
However with my limited budget and skills I rough sketched a logo and came up with a name that meant the world to me.
Bowness Soapworks.
More than just soap it’s another building a community of people with shared beliefs and the love of adventure and growth.
Over the next few weeks and months I’ll be rolling out some exciting changes but I just would wait to share with you my new logo and colours.
I hope it speaks to you as much as it does to me. I want to keep with tradition while bringing you adventure and love of Bowness.
This wouldn’t be possible with all of you following me and in the days to come PLEASE SHARE, comment and post a Google review ! Help me launch this into a new era and be the change we want to see in the community.
I promise to keep bringing you the highest of quality soaps with the simplest of ingredients.
I promise to share with you the pillars of our community and highlight other small businesses that want to give you the best in customer service.
I will continue to bring the experience to you and make steps in my business to be a leader in sustainable and mindful practices.
Bowness Soapworks may be going through a face lift, but the value are as solid as ever.
Melba Seto. Owner, maker and adventurer behind Bowness Soapworks.
@melba_seto @bownesssoapworks #yycsmallbusiness #bownesssoapworks #yycsustainability #yycecofriendly #yycmom #exploreyyc #adventuresoap #yychandmade #inspirechange #yycnow

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